"Thanks, Bruce. You have been wonderful throughout the process. I never doubted that you would take me safely through the divorce and to the final division of assets . . . Your compassion, ability to communicate the legal jargon, and your amazing promptness in responding to my questions and concerns have made it very rewarding to work with you."

"I believe that everyone comes into our lives for a reason, and I thank God that I was fortunate enough to connect with Bruce Steinfeld during my time of crisis. Not only was Bruce my "knight in shining armor," giving me emotional support and advice, but he was the ultimate warrior throughout my highly contentious divorce. His perseverance for justice, combined with his caring, gentle nature truly set him apart as a very unique, outstanding attorney."
"Because of Bruce's representation of me in an adversarial divorce case last year, my children have a fair and healthy custody arrangement, and I have primary custody while we remain in our own home. Bruce has a nurturing but very proactive style and redirected my case, in which I started out as the underdog, into an amazingly swift and positive outcome that protected my children's best interests as well as my own. In a period when I was isolated and far away from extended family, I could always reach Bruce for reassurance and quick action. My family says they stopped worrying as soon as I retained Bruce as my attorney. Also, when a tricky issue related to the divorce settlement cropped up nearly a year later, Bruce immediately responded and wrapped up the matter, along with final court approval, in just a couple of weeks. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs a motivated and caring advocate in a divorce or other family case."

"Bruce, you are the bomb!! You are an honest, upstanding, kind, brilliant (did I mention BRILLIANT????) professional who, in the face of incredible filth, prevailed!! Did I say prevailed? WON! I am so honored to know you and even in this horrible situation, you came out a WINNER with class and dignity. You gave an amazing opening and closing and you crossed like a wizard. I am so impressed and hope to get to read the transcript. Also, you defended me in a very hostile courtroom. I am forever grateful . . . a million thank yous! Hats off to the white hat of the world!"
"As the dust settles on this legal adventure I want you to know how much I have appreciated your ethics, skill, and friendship throughout this horrid experience. It is very clear that despite the tremendous cost of litigation the white hat approach works best. The children always come first. Always try to do the right thing and avoid vitriol. Control your client when emotions get the best of them. Likewise, your selection of experts with your same values and standards clearly helped win this case. Our financial experts clearly had the judge's ear and helped make decisions easier for him. In the end, as you have said for two years the other side always shoots themselves in the foot, or in this case, both feet. You laid out the course of this litigation very early and with only a few curves all your ideas proved brilliant. Of course, you wanted to settle with a generous division early on, but that was never an option for this case until after the trial was over and we won the case. Please feel free to refer anyone who wants a reference for your legal services to call me for my unbiased opinion."

"Going through my divorce was the hardest test I'd ever had to face in my life. Every day was a new set of decisions to make, issues to resolve, emotions to wade through, failures to face. Working with Bruce was more meaningful to me than just "navigating the legal system with your attorney." Bruce listened to me, he cared about the outcome for me and my 4-year-old son. He was invested in making our future as successful as possible, in making sure I had the right support to make good legal decisions, about explaining how the legal processes worked and what the issues and challenges that we might face were at each juncture. I think through it all the biggest impact on me was that Bruce genuinely cared for me as a person and wanted me to be in a good place in my life. He didn't judge my mistakes or decisions. He is a caring and supportive advocate, friend, and counselor. Thanks, Bruce!"
"Dear Bruce, I was handed the, still drying, certified divorce paper this morning. It feels absolutely amazing. I am a completely different person. Wow, I didn't realize the hell I was living before! I actually feel so different, that when I go to get dressed, it almost feels like it fits different. I was living with a cancer before, wrapped in chains! Wow! What a high I have now!!!!! Thank YOU for that!!!!! I am alive, walking, talking Steinfeld Law billboard now! I will refer your name whenever I get the opportunity to do so. I soooo appreciate you and my new life! Thanks so much for taking care of me!"

"Dear Bruce, I want to thank you for all you did for me, not just the legal work, but all the support you gave me throughout the process. I always felt we were on the same page and you always considered how I felt about what to do next. I hope I am a stronger person since I made that first phone call to you. I know God was definitely steering me in the right direction when I dialed that number! I am doing well and am happy and I know you played a big part in that. Thanks again for everything."
"I am just so relieved that it's finally over! I appreciate everything you have done on my behalf; you did a phenomenal job representing me, I do not think I could have chosen better council."

"Bruce, you have been my shining knight ever since the beginning of this hellish ordeal, and we have won every battle along the way (with a few bumps). I have all the faith in the world in you and know that we will see justice prevail in the end. You're the best, and I am so thankful for your friendship & legal expertise!!"
"So often we never know how the everyday things we do have made a crucial difference to someone else's life. Looking back on a year of transition has helped me realize what a huge role you've played helping me navigate scary times of loss, uncertainty, and personal growth with a bit of class and grace. I wanted to let you know how important your guidance has been getting me through some important legal challenges and learning some big life lessons. One of the biggest was your question about the kind of person I wanted to be at my daughter's wedding. This lens helped me see how every question that followed needed to be viewed. You advise to seek agreement, use the ruler of justice, and take the high road has helped me maintain healthy relationships with my children, stay in the community that is home to me, and move on to better things . . . on every front. I have no regrets about things I might have said or done because you continually kept me focused on being the best I could be . . . not the evil I was often feeling. Although I thought differently going in, there was truly no need for a pit bull or Airborne Rangers. While I had many opportunities to lose my mind, you always steered me toward the high road by framing big picture choices. For this, I will always be grateful . . . Being a competent professional is one thing. Being a pro with a moral compass puts you in a different league altogether. When friends need family law help you can be sure you are the sole reference on my contact list . . . you are one of the best. Just wanted to let you know things are tracking well here and what a difference your professionalism, friendship, caring, and patience has made to [my] family. The world would be a better place if there were more people like you in it. Keep smiling . . . and keep up the great work."